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This Orange Cat Wont Give Up Until It Rides Every Horse On The Farm

Today is a day for looking at a cute cat riding a bunch of adorable little ponies. Luckily, that exact thing exists. The folks at Snowfall Ranch have been documenting the existence of their marmalade kitty, Teton, since 2014, and there have been some delightful photo updates. Here’s their description of this cat’s spirit:

Teton … never will there be another… He is a cat that is simply one of a kind. Tough as nails, runs the entire barn and takes no prisoners. He rides on the back of the miniature horses, bullies the goats and then has the nerve to curl up and sleep with them at night … he is the BOSS cat around here.

Now you understand not just what you’re looking at, but who you’re looking at: a warrior cat, who rides ponies into the sunset, kicking ass and taking names.

980x-3Snowfall Ranch

But look at him when he was a wittle baby:

Snowfall Ranch

There are some more lower quality pics of baby Teton getting comfortable in the saddle. Phone camera quality has evolved so much in two years:

Snowfall Ranch

Like, a lot.

Snowfall Ranch

Teton’s owner, Joanna Shaw, says that Teton may not be aware that he is technically “riding” anyone. She told The Dodo, “He tends to ride them more in snow with the belief being he doesn’t want to get paws wet.”

Snowfall Ranch

That adorable opportunist! She did add that Teton frequently accompanies them to the pasture just to hang, so maybe there is some real affection there. As long as he can hitch a ride, of course.

Snowfall Ranch

Ahh, thank you for that refreshing dose of unlikely animal friendship. I feel like I can face the rest of the week now. Or at least survive until 5pm. [h/t The Dodo]


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